Format of internal K3 structure:
Offset Size Description )
00h 3 BYTEs signature "K3$"
03h BYTE length of structure, including this byte and signature
04h WORD compiler switch option flags A (see #00609)
06h WORD compiler switch option flags B (see #00610)
08h BYTE internal flags A (see #00611)
09h BYTE internal flags B (see #00612)
0Ah WORD DOS version recorded at startup
0Ch WORD "ActTypeSpeed"
0Eh WORD last Keyboard-ID sent
41ABh translated, 83ABh native (pass-through)
10h WORD offset of K3TAB Special
12h WORD offset of K3TAB German
14h WORD offset of K3TAB Alt
16h WORD offset of K3TAB AltGr
18h WORD offset of K3TAB Ctrl
1Ah WORD offset of K3TAB NPad
1Ch WORD offset of K3TAB CtrlNPad
1Eh WORD offset of K3TAB AltNPad
20h WORD offset of K3TAB ApoTbl or 0000h
22h WORD offset of K3TAB UmlautTbl or 0000h
24h WORD offset of K3TAB UmlautTblExp or 0000h
26h WORD length of video mode table
28h WORD offset of VidMdTbl or 0000h
2Ah BYTE '$' end marker