Format of MLID Statistics Table:
Offset	Size	Description	)
 00h	BYTE	driver statistics table major version
 01h	BYTE	driver statistics table minor version (decimal, 0-99)
 02h	WORD	number of generic counters (typically 13)
 04h	DWORD	"ValidCountersMask" (bit mask, bit 31 is TotalTxCount)
 08h	DWORD	TotalTxCount
 0Ch	DWORD	TotalRxCount
 10h	DWORD	NoECBAvailableCount
 14h	DWORD	TxTooBigCount
 18h	DWORD	TxTooSmallCount
 1Ch	DWORD	RxOverflowCount
 20h	DWORD	RxTooBigCount
 24h	DWORD	RxTooSmallCount
 28h	DWORD	TxMiscCount
 2Ch	DWORD	RxMiscCount
 30h	DWORD	TxRetryCount
 34h	DWORD	RxChecksumErrorCount
 38h	DWORD	RxMismatchCount
 3Ch	WORD	number of custom counters
 3Eh  N DWORDs	custom counters
      N DWORDs	-> CustomCounterStrN (one per custom counter)
	var	length-prepended and NULL terminated string for Counter 0
	var	length-prepended and NULL terminated string for Counter N-1
SeeAlso: #02999,#03000