Format of Card Services configuration information:
Offset Size Description )
00h WORD socket (usually 0000h)
02h WORD attributes (see #00705)
04h BYTE Vcc value
05h BYTE Vpp1 value
06h BYTE Vpp2 value
07h BYTE interface type (see #00706)
08h DWORD base address of configuration registers
0Ch BYTE card's Status register setting (if present)
0Dh BYTE card's Pin register setting (if present)
0Eh BYTE card's Socket/Copy register setting (if present)
0Fh BYTE card's Option register setting (if present)
10h BYTE bitmap of present card configuration registers
11h BYTE first device type
12h BYTE function code
13h BYTE SysInit mask
14h WORD manufacturer code
16h WORD manufacturer information
18h BYTE valie card register values
19h BYTE IRQ number assigned to PC Card
1Ah WORD IRQ attributes (see #00708)
1Ch WORD base port address (for I/O range 1)
1Eh BYTE number of contiguous ports (for I/O range 1)
1Fh BYTE bitmap of port attributes (for I/O range 1) (see #00709)
20h WORD base port address (for I/O range 2)
22h BYTE number of contiguous ports (for I/O range 2)
23h BYTE bitmap of port attributes (for I/O range 2) (see #00709)
24h BYTE number of I/O address lines decoded (16-bit PC Card only)
25h BYTE extended status register setting (if present)
26h BYTE bitmap of DMA attributes (see #00710)
(note: value at call is used to set!)
27h BYTE assigned DMA channel
28h BYTE number of I/O windows in use on logical socket
29h BYTE number of memory windows in use on logical socket
SeeAlso: #00703,#00724