Format of NetWare TCP/IP Request Control Block (RCB):
Offset Size Description )
00h DWORD -> next RCB
04h DWORD -> previous RCB
08h DWORD -> FAR post routine called if bit 7 of function code set
0Ch BYTE flags (internal use)
bit 0: request in progress
bit 1: posted
bit 2: Windows
bit 3: "PROTBUF"
bit 4: "ABORTRCB" for Ctrl-Break handling
bit 5: call INT 21/AX=0B00h while blocking
0Dh 7 BYTEs ???
14h BYTE (ret) temporary result code
15h BYTE (call) function code (bit 7 set if non-blocking) (see #02902)
16h BYTE socket number
17h BYTE (ret) result or error code (see #02905)
---accept/bind/connect/getmyipaddr/getpeername/getsockname commands---
18h sockaddr structure (WORD port + DWORD IP address)
---close comand---
no additional fields
---getmymacaddr command---
18h 6 BYTEs low-level hardware network address
---BOOTP command---
18h 64 BYTEs BOOTP VSA data (see #02906)
---getpathinfo command
18h 8 BYTEs key
"TCP_CFG" used by PING.EXE
20h 128 BYTEs path
A0h WORD length of path in previous field
---getsockopt/setsockopt commands---
18h WORD option name
1Ah WORD option value
1Ch WORD "linger"
---getsubnetmask command---
18h DWORD sockaddr structure (WORD port + DWORD subnet mask)
---ioctl command---
18h DWORD argument value
1Ch WORD ioctl number
---listen command---
18h WORD maximum allowable connection backlog
---select command---
18h WORD number of sockets
1Ah fd_set readfds (bitmap of sockets)
fd_set writefds
fd_set expectionfds
DWORD timeout in clock ticks
---shutdown command---
18h WORD shutdown type
---socket command---
18h WORD protocol (1 = ICMP, 6 = TCP, 17 = UDP)
---I/O commands (recv,recvfrom,send,sendto)---
18h WORD flags
1Ah 6 BYTEs sockaddr from/to
WORD port number
DWORD IP address
20h WORD length of packet sent/received
22h WORD number of pointer/length pairs following (max 8)
24h 6N BYTEs buffer descriptors, each
Offset Size Description
00h DWORD pointer to buffer
04h WORD length of buffer
---getsnmpinfo command---
18h DWORD (ret) -> ??? data in TCPIP code segment
--getifn command---
18h WORD interface number
1Ah WORD MLID instance number
1Ch 128 BYTEs MLID name
---getipinfo/setipinfo commands---
18h WORD interface number (00h = default)
1Ah DWORD IP address
1Eh DWORD IP netmask
22h 3 DWORDs router addresses (00000000h = unused entry)
---getdnsinfo/setdnsinfo commands---
18h WORD interface number (00h = default)
1Ah 3 DWORDs name server IP addresses (00000000h = unused entry)
26h 128 BYTEs domain name
---getroutes/setroutes/removeroutes commands---
18h WORD number of route entries to follow (max 5)
1Ah 10N BYTEs route entries
DWORD destination host/net IP address
DWORD IP address of first router
WORD route type
---getarpe/setarpe/removearpe commands---
18h WORD number of ARP entries to follow (max 16)
1Ah 10N BYTEs ARP entries
DWORD destination IP address
6 BYTEs destination hardware address
---other commands---
18h 4 WORDs parameter words 0 to 3 (see #02902 for usage)