Format of MLID Configuration Table:
Offset Size Description )
00h 26 BYTEs signature 'HardwareDriverMLID ' (8 spaces on end)
1Ah BYTE configuration table major version
1Bh BYTE configuration table minor version (decimal, 0-99)
1Ch 6 BYTEs node address
22h WORD MLID mode flags (see #03003)
24h WORD board number
26h WORD board instance (if more than one of same board installed)
28h WORD maximum packet size
2Ah WORD BestDataSize
2Ch WORD WorstDataSize
2Eh DWORD -> counted NUL-terminated long name for NIC
32h DWORD -> counted NUL-terminated short name for NIC (8 chars max)
36h DWORD -> counted NUL-terminated Frame and Media type
3Ah WORD reserved (0000h)
3Ch WORD frame type ID
3Eh WORD TransportTime (milliseconds)
40h DWORD -> SourceRouteHandler for TokenRing. (Used by ROUTE.COM)
44h WORD lookahead size
46h WORD line speed (Mbps if high bit clear, else Kbps)
48h WORD QueueDepth
4Ah 6 BYTEs reserved (0)
50h BYTE driver major version
51h BYTE driver minor version (decimal, 0-99)
52h WORD bus/multicast flags (see #03004)
54h WORD send retries
56h DWORD ConfigTableLink
5Ah WORD MLID sharing flags (see #03005)
5Ch WORD slot number
5Eh WORD I/O address 1
60h WORD I/O range 1
62h WORD I/O address 2
64h WORD I/O range 2
66h DWORD memory address 1
6Ah WORD memory size 1
6Ch DWORD memory address 2
70h WORD memory size 2
72h BYTE interrupt line 1
73h BYTE interrupt line 2
74h BYTE DMA line 1
75h BYTE DMA line 2