Format of SOLLEX SuperVGA info structure:
Offset Size Description )
00h DWORD pointer to VESA function dispatch table
04h DWORD pointer to SOLLEX function dispatch table
08h DWORD pointer to VESA SuperVGA info (see #00077 at AX=4F00h)
0Ch DWORD pointer to mode info structure table, consisting of
alternating ResInfo (see #00202) and VESA mode information
(see #00079 at AX=4F01h) blocks, terminated with an FFFFh word
10h DWORD pointer to font info structure table (see #00203)
14h WORD high resolution crystal frequency in Hz (0000h = not present)
16h DWORD pointer to ASCIZ ID string
1Ah DWORD pointer to timeout reset table
array of bytes, each a multiple of the minimum time increment
1Eh WORD minimum time increment in timer ticks
20h BYTE inverse options supported
bit 0: inverse supported
bits 1-7: reserved
21h BYTE normal color value
22h BYTE inverse color value
23h WORD port to be accessed for normal/inverse settings
25h WORD type of interface chip (currently undefined)
27h WORD program operational mode
bits 1-0: 00 no preference
01 terse (minimum detail in program messages)
10 verbose
11 use menus if supported, verbose mode otherwise
bits 7-2: reserved
29h WORD SOLLEX specification version
2Bh WORD version of VESA/SOLLEX implementation
2Dh DWORD offset to relocatable portion of SOLLEX extensions (for CONFIG)
2Eh DWORD offset to unused section of the extensions ROM
31h 16 BYTEs reserved
Note: all DWORD pointers initially require segment fixups; if the segment
is 0000h, it should be changed to the returned ES, otherwise it
may be assumed to be correct