Category: no classification
Flags: Undocumented function
INT 21 - SUPERSTOR - IOCTL - INSTALL CHECK AX = 4405h BL = drive number (00h = default, 01h = A:, etc) (BH = 0???) CX = 000Ch (size of SuperStor packet structure) DS:DX -> SuperStor packet structure (see #04114) Return: CF clear if IOCTL successful -- check SuperStor packet for actual status AX = number of bytes actually transferred??? CF set on error AX = error code (01h,05h,06h,0Dh) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Note: This function is called with CX = 0008h for command 06h by NWCACHE although the Request Packet can be larger. WINSWAP.SYS calls it with 000Ch - also for command 06h.