Category: no classification


	AL = 01h
	AH = CAPI version number * 10 (14h for v2.0)
	ES:BX -> buffer for CAPI's use (refer to note below)
	CX = number of bytes for message buffer
	DX = maximum simultaneous logical (Level 3) connections
	SI = maximum concurrent received B3 data blocks (min. 2)
	DI = maximum B3 data block size (up to 2048 bytes)
Return: AX = CAPI-assigned application ID
	    0000h on error
		BX = error number
		    1001h registration error
Range:	INT 00 to INT FF, selectable by program parameter
Notes:	the caller is required to provide at least 512 bytes of stack space
	the CAPI interrupt handler begins with a header (see #04068) which is
	  nearly identical to the IBM Interrupt Sharing Protocol header
	  (see #02568 at INT 2D"AMIS"), except that the short jump instruction
	  to a hardware reset handler at offset 09h is zeroed out and the
	  entire header is inexplicably shortened by one byte
	the standard document suggests using 1024 + (1024*DX) bytes for the
	  message buffer for typical applications
	the total size of the application-provided buffer must be at least
	  CX + DX*SI*DI bytes
SeeAlso: AH=01h,INT F1/AL=02h
Index:	installation check;Common ISDN API