Category: network
Flags: partially documented function

INT 61 - PC/TCP kernel v2.05+ - "net_getdesc" - ALLOCATE NETWORK DESCRIPTOR

	AH = 22h
Return: CF clear if successful
	    AX = network descriptor
	CF set on error
	    AX = error code (see #03319 at INT 61"FTP Software")
Note:	the descriptor will be an integer in the range 00h-1Fh, and a DOS call
	  is made to allocate this as a file descriptor.  Hence a number may
	  not refer to a PC/TCP network descriptor and a DOS file handle
SeeAlso: INT 61"FTP Software",INT 61/AH=00h"PC/TCP",INT 61/AH=13h,INT 61/AH=29h