Category: no classification
Flags: Undocumented function
INT 15 - AMI PCI BIOS - GET BIOS AND CHIPSET IDENTIFICATION AX = DA8Ch CL = subfunction 00h get BIOS version string ES:DI -> 12-byte buffer for version string 01h get chipset identification BL = what to retrieve (00h host/PCI bridge,01h motherboard chipset) ES:DI -> 12-byte buffer for chipset identification (see #00543) Return: CF clear if successful ES:DI buffer filled CF set on error AH = error code (86h unsupported subfunction) Notes: the v1.00.05.AX1 BIOS returns "1.00.05.AX1 " as its version string subfunction 01h returns the five bytes read from the PCI configuration registers 00h-05h (see #00878), padded to 12 bytes with NULs SeeAlso: AX=DB04h,PORT C000h"Neptune"