INT 21 - CD-ROM device driver - IOCTL OUTPUT AX = 4403h BX = file handle referencing character device for CD-ROM driver CX = number of bytes to write DS:DX -> control block (see #01524) Return: CF clear if successful AX = number of bytes actually written CF set on error AX = error code (01h,05h,06h,0Dh) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: some device drivers support several subunits (that is more than one drive) but it is not possible to distinguish between them with this function; use INT 2F/AX=1510h or INT 2F/AX=0802h instead under Windows95, the "mscd$$$$" device cannot be opened so you cannot obtain the handle required by this function: use INT 2F/AX=1510h or INT 2F/AX=0802h instead SeeAlso: AX=4402h"CD-ROM",INT 2F/AX=0802h,INT 2F/AX=1510h