Category: memory management
Flags: Undocumented function


	AX = 12FFh
	BX = 0106h
Return: CF clear if successful
	    AX = 0000h (successful)
	    BX = EDC0h (signature "European Development Centre")
	    CL = memory manager variant
		00h if HIMEM.SYS present
		01h if EMMXMA.SYS present
		02h if EMM386.EXE present (DPMI/VCPI disabled)
		03h if multitasking EMM386.EXE present (DPMI/VCPI loaded)
	    CH = ??? (00h)
	    DX = binary driver version, DH is major, DL is minor
	    ES = segment of EMM386 device driver header (low-memory stub)
	CF set on error
	    AX = 0001h
Notes:	BL specifies which program handles the call, BH is the function number
	if the word at ES:0012h is nonzero, if contains the offset within
	  segment ES of the CEMM-compatible entry point (see #02617)
	if no other program has hooked INT 67, an alternate installation
	  check is to test for the string
	  "NOVELL EXPANDED MEMORY MANAGER 386" at offset 14h in the INT 67
	  handler's segment; the word immediately preceding this string
	  contains the offset of the API entry point if it is nonzero
Index:	entry point;Novell EMM386