Category: DOS extenders
Flags: available only in protected mode
INT 31 - CauseWay - "ExecOverlay" - LOAD AND OPTIONALLY EXECUTE APP CODE AX = FF24h EBX = flags bit 0: don't execute (overlay only) bit 1: don't preserve relocation information ES:EDX -> filename (see also #03163) FS:ESI -> commandline (ESI = 00000000h if no commandline) GS:EDI -> name (CW's /o option) Return: CF clear if successful ---EBX bit 0 set--- CX:EDX = program entry point (CS:EIP) SI = segment of PSP ---EBX bit 1 set--- BX:EAX = initial SS:ESP EDI high word = base segment EDI low word = number of segments EBP = start of segment definitions CF set on error AX = error code 0001h DOS file access error 0002h not a CuaseWay 3P file 0003h not enough memory SeeAlso: AX=FF2Ah,INT 21/AH=4Bh