Category: network

INT 14 - Connection Manager - OPEN COMMUNICATION

	AH = 04h
	ES:DI -> Connection Request protocol vector (see #00311)
Return: AH = return code
	    00h successful
		AL = connection ID
		BH = connection type
		    00h direct connection or no dialing
		    01h Connection Server dialed phone
	    01h no response from Connection Server
	    03h invalid request
Program: Connection Manager by Softwarehouse Corp. permits the sharing of
	  serial ports over an IPX or NetBIOS-based network
Desc:	initiate a connection to the Connection Server listed in the current
	  Client parameter set
Notes:	if DX is 0-3 on entry, Connection Manager emulates the standard BIOS
	  function, but redirects the port over the network; if DX is any other
	  value, the call is chained
	all subvectors of the Connection Request vector are optional; if
	  missing, default values are provided by the default connection
	  parameter set
SeeAlso: AH=00h/DX=FFFFh,AH=05h/DX=FFFFh,AH=06h/DX=FFFFh,AH=07h/DX=FFFFh
SeeAlso: AH=0Ah/DX=FFFFh,AH=0Ch/DX=FFFFh