Category: TSR libraries
INT 2F - CS_TSR specification - GET HANDLE (TSR-SPECIFIC INSTALLATION CHECK) AX = 8001h DS:SI -> ASCIZ signature string for desired TSR (see #02929) Return: BX = process handle or 0000h if specified TSR not installed ES:DI -> process block for TSR (see #02928) if BX<>0000h Note: A widely-available copy of ASCII billing itself as "ASCII 2.OO by Nick Zaikin Jr." is in fact a hacked copy of the Compact Soft ASCII v4.23 which is identical except for the changed attribution and version (in fact, some instances of "4.23" were missed); the hacked copy requires the signature string "ASCII 2.OO by Nick Zaikin Jr." instead of the unhacked version's simple signature "ASCII" SeeAlso: AX=8000h"CS_TSR",AX=8002h"CS_TSR"