Category: no classification
Flags: Undocumented function
INT 2F - Windows95 - SET/CLEAR "REPORT WINDOWS TO DOS PROGRAMS" FLAG AX = 1231h DL = function 00h set byte after "IsWIN386" to 01h 01h set "IsWIN386" bit 1 02h clear "IsWIN386" bit 1 else Return: CF set AX = 0001h Return: CF clear AX = 0000h Note: this function is not supported by DR-DOS 7.03 or earlier, by S/DOS 1.0, or by PTS-DOS 6.51 BUG: Windows98 will crash the system if DL>02h on entry due to an off-by-1 conditional jump; if the jump were correct, the function would return CF set/AX=0001h as for Windows95 SeeAlso: AX=1230h,AX=1200h