Category: memory management
Flags: Undocumented function
INT 2F - Biologic HRAMDEV.SYS - API AX = A189h BX = subfunction 0000h set ??? 0001h remove ??? 0002h get status ??? 0003h enable ??? 0004h disable ??? 0005h set ??? flag 0006h clear ??? flag 0007h set ??? flag 0008h clear ??? flag 0009h set ??? ES:DI -> function-specific arguments if func 0000h: 20-byte buffer containing ??? if func 0001h: 20-byte buffer for returned ??? if func 0002h: 16-byte buffer for returned ??? if func 0009h: WORD containing ??? Return: BX = A189h if installed AH = status 00h successful FFh failed or invalid function number Program: HRAMDEV.SYS is a part of the shareware package HRAM by Biologic which provides improved high memory access under MS-DOS 5.0 Note: functions 00h and 01h use a stack of four entries; function 01h always removes the values stored with the most recent function 00h call which has not yet been matched with a function 01h call.