Category: DESQview/TopView and Quarterdeck programs
Flags: Undocumented function
INT 2F - Quarterdeck TELTSR.COM - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = DF00h BX = 5445h ('TE') CX = 4C54h ('LT') DX = 5352h ('SR') Return: BX = 5454h ('TT') if installed CX = 494Eh ('IN') if installed DX = 5454h ('ST') if installed Program: TELTSR is a Telnet TSR included with Quarterdeck's DESQview/X v2.00 which provides an INT 14h interface to the network Range: AH=DEh to AH=FFh and AH=C0h to AH=DDh, selected by scanning SeeAlso: AX=DF01h"TELTSR",AX=DF02h"TELTSR",INT 14/AH=56h