Category: DOS kernel
Flags: Undocumented function
INT 2F - DOS 4.0+ internal - GET OR SET ERROR TABLE ADDRESSES AX = 122Eh DL = subfunction 00h get standard DOS error table (see #02614) Return: ES:DI -> error table (DOS 4: errors 00h-12h,50h-5Bh) (DOS 5: errors 00h-26h,4Fh,51h-59h) 01h set standard DOS error table ES:DI -> error table 02h get parameter error table (errors 00h-0Ah) Return: ES:DI -> error table 03h set parameter error table ES:DI -> error table 04h get critical/SHARE error table (errors 13h-2Bh) Return: ES:DI -> error table 05h set critical/SHARE error table ES:DI -> error table 06h get ??? error table Return: ES:DI -> error table or 0000h:0000h 07h set ??? error table ES:DI -> error table 08h get error message retriever (see #02615) Return: ES:DI -> FAR procedure to fetch error message 09h set ??? error table ES:DI -> error table Notes: if the returned segment on a "get" is 0001h, then the offset specifies the offset of the error message table within COMMAND.COM, and the procedure returned by DL=08h should be called DOS 5+ COMMAND.COM does not allow setting any of the addresses (calls with DL odd are ignored); they are always returned with segment 0001h for DOS 5.0, the standard and critical/SHARE error tables are combined into a single error table SeeAlso: AX=0500h,INT 21/AH=59h/BX=0000h