Category: video
Flags: partially documented function
INT 62 - FGDRIVER v3.03+ - "FG_ALLOCEMS" - CREATE LOGICAL VIDEO PAGE (EMS) AX = 0002h BX = page number (0001h-003Fh) Return: AX = status (0000h,FFFCh,FFFDh,FFFEh) (see #03473) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) You must first call "FG_INITEMS" (see AX=005Dh) before using this function The only operation which is allowed on logical pages is "FG_COPYPAGE" (see AX=0014h) SeeAlso: AX=0000h,AX=0001h,AX=0003h,AX=0014h,AX=0038h,AX=005Dh