Category: vendor-specific BIOS extensions


	AH = 84h
	DX = subfunction
	    0000h read joystick switches
		Return: AL bits 7-4 = switch settings
	    other: read positions of joysticks as indicated by bits 0-3
		Return: AX = X position of joystick A (if DX bit 0 set)
			BX = Y position of joystick A (if DX bit 1 set)
			CX = X position of joystick B (if DX bit 2 set)
			DX = Y position of joystick B (if DX bit 3 set)
Return: CF set on error
	    AH = status (see #00496)
	CF clear if successful
Program: V20-XT-BIOS is a ROM BIOS replacement with extensions by Peter
	   Koehlmann / c't magazine
SeeAlso: AH=84h"PS",INT 10/AH=0Eh/CX=ABCDh