[an error occurred while processing this directive] Category: vendor-specific BIOS extensions
INT 6F - HP Vectra EX-BIOS - "F_IO_CTRL SF_SET_CRTSW" - SET CRT TO MULTIMODE AX = 0416h BP = 00AEh (driver ID for V_8041) Return: AH = status (see #03744) BP,DS destroyed Desc: sets a flag in the 8041 indicating that the primary display is the Multimode graphics adapter (default) SeeAlso: AH=00h"HP Vectra",AX=040Ch/BP=00AEh,AX=040Eh/BP=00AEh SeeAlso: AX=0412h/BP=00AEh,AX=0418h/BP=00AEh,AX=041Ah/BP=00AEh[an error occurred while processing this directive]