Category: MS Windows
Flags: callout or callback (usually hooked rather than called)
INT 2F - MS Windows 3.1 - "BLOCKDEV" VIRTUAL HARD DISK DEVICE API AX = 1607h BX = 0010h (VxD identifier of "BLOCKDEV") CX = function 0001h starting FastDisk compatibility tests 0002h ending FastDisk compatibility tests 0003h check if FastDisk installation allowed Return: CX = 0000h if allowed Note: this interface is called by the Windows FastDisk driver (such as WDCTRL) when it thinks that the INT 13h handler immediately below IO.SYS's INT 13h code is not in ROM; it should be supported by any program which hooks itself underneath IO.SYS's INT 13h code with INT 2F/AH=13h SeeAlso: AX=1607h/BX=0014h,INT 2F/AH=13h