INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - FIND NEXT MATCHING FILE AX = 714Fh BX = filefind handle (from AX=714Eh) SI = date/time format (see #01778) ES:DI -> buffer for FindData record (see #01779) Return: CF clear if successful AH = 4Fh (undocumented) AL destroyed (becomes low byte of filefind handle in Win95B) CX = Unicode conversion flags (see #01780) CF set on error AX = error code 7100h if function not supported Notes: this function is only available when IFSMgr is running, not under bare MS-DOS 7 for compatibility with DOS versions prior to v7.00, the carry flag should be set on call to ensure that it is set on exit SeeAlso: AH=4Eh,AX=714Eh,AX=71A1h,AX=71A2h