Category: Japanese
INT 10 - DOS/V - READ/WRITE DOUBLE-BYTE CHARACTER SET CHARACTERS/ATTRIBUTES AH = 13h AL = function 10h read characters and standard attributes 11h read characters and extended attributes 12h write characters and standard attributes 13h write characters and extended attributes BH = 00h CX = number of characters to transfer DH,DL = row,column at which to start transfer ES:BP -> buffer for/containing characters and attributes (see #00036) Return: ES:BP buffer filled if reading Program: DOS/V is a Japanese-language version of MS-DOS which can run on standard (non-Japanese) ATs and compatible equipped with a VGA or newer video adapter Notes: subfunctions 11h and 13h are only valid when DOS/V is using video mode 73h the cursor position is not changed by these functions extended attributes consist of three bytes; the first is the standard character attribute byte, the second is as described below, and the third is always zero in current versions SeeAlso: AH=00h,AH=13h"VIDEO"