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INT 10 - VESA OEM Extensions - Matrox Millenium (BIOS v2.1) AX = 4F14h BL = function 00h installation check / get capabilities ES:DI -> 256-byte buffer for Matrox-specific information (see #00125) Return: ES:DI buffer filled 01h read/write MGA indexed data register BH = direction (00h = write, else read) CL = register number (80h for most-recently used register) CH = new value, if writing Return: CH = current value, if reading 02h read/write register in MGA control space BH = direction and size bit 4: read register instead of writing bits 1-0: data size (00 = BYTE, 01 = WORD, 10 = DWORD) SI = register address CL/CX/ECX = new value if writing Return: CL/CX/ECX = current value if reading 03h read PINS byte SI = offset of byte within PINS data (see #00126) Return: CL = value of specified PINS byte 04h ??? (related to PLL programming) DX = ??? Return: CL,EDX destroyed 05h read BIOS byte SI = offset of byte relative to start of BIOS image Return: CL = specified byte else Return: AX = FFFFh Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed Note: most of this info is from http:\\\gbm\matrox SeeAlso: MEM C000h:7FFCh"Matrox"