Category: serial I/O
INT 14 - HP Vectra EX-BIOS - "F14_TRM_BUFFER" - READ UNTIL TERMINATOR AX = 6F04h BL = lowest termination character BH = highest termination character CX = size of buffer DX = port number (0-3) ES:DI -> buffer for received characters Return: AH = line status (see #00304) ---on error (AH bit 7 set)--- AL = 00h ES:DI -> next byte to be transferred ---if successful--- AL = last byte read ES:DI unchanged CX = number of bytes read Desc: read characters into the specified buffer until the buffer is filled, a character in the specified range is received, or a timeout occurs Notes: supported by original HP Vectra AT and by ES/QS/RS series Vectras polls the Data Set Ready modem status and Data Ready line status bits to determine when characters are available SeeAlso: AX=6F00h,AX=6F02h,AX=6F03h