Category: no classification
INT F1 - Common ISDN API (CAPI) v2.0 - "CAPI_SET_SIGNAL" - SIGNAL HANDLING AL = 05h AH = CAPI version number * 10 (14h for v2.0) DX = application ID (see AH=01h) ES:BX -> signal handler or 0000h:0000h to disable SI:DI = parameter to pass to signal handler Return: AX = status (0000h,11xxh) (see #04070) Notes: the caller is required to provide at least 512 bytes of stack space the signal handler is called as though it were an interrupt, with interrupts disabled and DX,SI,DI set as they were when this function was called; the handler must preserve all registers and return with an IRET the signal handler may call CAPI_PUT_MESSAGE, CAPI_GET_MESSAGE, and CAPI_SET_SIGNAL SeeAlso: INT F1/AL=01h