X-Authentication-Warning: delorie.com: mail set sender to geda-help-bounces using -f X-Recipient: geda-help AT delorie DOT com Message-ID: <53AAC15C.6000901@philippklostermann.de> Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 14:32:28 +0200 From: Philipp Klostermann User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.6.0 MIME-Version: 1.0 To: geda-help AT delorie DOT com Subject: Re: [geda-help] gsch2pcb or gnetlist -g gsch2pcb fails to generate initial pcb References: <53A1A7F1 DOT 7030600 AT philippklostermann DOT de> In-Reply-To: <53A1A7F1.7030600@philippklostermann.de> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Reply-To: geda-help AT delorie DOT com Thanks to Vladimir for the "paths to m4 files"-patch. Unfortunately, this doesn't solve my problem. I have a very simple demonstration project with one resistor as file-element and one connector as m4-element. symtest.gsch2pcb: output-name symtest schematics symtest-page1.sch symtest-page1.sch: v 20140308 2 C 43600 57900 1 0 0 resistor-2.sym { T 44000 58250 5 10 0 0 0 0 1 device=RESISTOR T 43800 58100 5 10 1 1 0 0 1 refdes=R1 T 43800 57700 5 10 1 0 0 0 1 footprint=R025 } N 44500 58000 44700 58000 4 C 41600 56000 1 0 0 connector8-1.sym { T 41700 59200 5 10 0 0 0 0 1 device=CONNECTOR_8 T 41700 58600 5 10 1 1 0 0 1 refdes=CONN1 T 41300 55700 5 10 1 0 0 0 1 footprint=CONNECTOR 2 4 } N 43300 58300 44700 58300 4 N 43600 58000 43300 58000 4 N 44700 58300 44700 58000 4 I have a gsch2pcb-generated gnet-gsch2pcb-tmp.scm with the following contents: (define gsch2pcb:pcb-m4-dir "/usr/local/share/pcb/m4") (define gsch2pcb:use-m4 #t) This is what happens, when I call gnetlist (like gsch2pcb does): phil AT albus:~/gaf-neu/symtest$ gnetlist -g gsch2pcb -o symtest.pcb -m gnet-gsch2pcb-tmp.scm symtest-page1.sch Loading schematic [/home/phil/gaf-neu/symtest/symtest-page1.sch] ===================================================== gsch2pcb backend configuration: ---------------------------------------- Variables which may be changed in gafrc: ---------------------------------------- gsch2pcb:pcb-m4-command: "/usr/bin/m4" gsch2pcb:pcb-m4-dir: "/usr/local/share/pcb/m4" gsch2pcb:pcb-m4-path: ("$HOME/.pcb" ".") gsch2pcb:m4-files: "" --------------------------------------------------- Variables which may be changed in the project file: --------------------------------------------------- gsch2pcb:use-m4: yes ---------------- M4 command line: ---------------- /usr/bin/m4 -d -I/usr/local/share/pcb/m4 -I$HOME/.pcb -I. /usr/local/share/pcb/m4/common.m4 - ===================================================== Using the m4 processor for pcb footprints Backtrace: In current input: 1: 0* [gsch2pcb "symtest.pcb"] In /usr/local/share/gEDA/scheme/gnet-gsch2pcb.scm: 256: 1 (begin (set-current-output-port #) (gsch2pcb:write-top-header) ...) 293: 2* (if gsch2pcb:use-m4 (let* # # # ...) (begin # #)) 295: 3 (let* (# # #) (message "Using the m4 processor for pcb footprints ") ...) 296: 4* [apply # #] In unknown file: ?: 5 [gsch2pcb:open-io-pipe "/usr/bin/m4" "-d" ...] In /usr/local/share/gEDA/scheme/gnet-gsch2pcb.scm: ... 186: 6 (begin (ensure-batch-mode!) (let (# # #) (port-for-each #) (if # #) ...)) 188: 7* (ensure-batch-mode!) /usr/local/share/gEDA/scheme/gnet-gsch2pcb.scm:188:10: In expression (ensure-batch-mode!): /usr/local/share/gEDA/scheme/gnet-gsch2pcb.scm:188:10: Unbound variable: ensure-batch-mode! phil AT albus:~/gaf-neu/symtest$ Can you help me?