Date: 12 Oct 92 12:40:20 GMT+1200 From: chris moseley - MOZ Subject: redirecting stderr/ stdout To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu I have been trying to redirect stderr to a file, but all that happens is the error messages vanish completely. This is irritating as I am getting lots of messages compiling code from a `C' code generator, but lose most of them. The rest of the environment works fine, except for this one mess. The environment looks like: COMSPEC=C:\DRDOS\COMMAND.COM OS=DRDOS VER=6.0 GAI=C:\DRIVERS\VIDEO TIGA=-mC:\DRIVERS\VIDEO -lC:\DRIVERS\VIDEO -i0x61 IGHOME=c:\ustation IGPROD=SGF0031 IGSERVER=ELECCAE-US-KEYSERVER CONFIG.TEL=c:\ncsa\ PROMPT=$d $t$_$p$g PATH=Q:.;O:.;F:.;G:.;C:\WINDOWS;I:.;Z:.;T:.;Y:.;W:.;X:.;C:\TC\BIN; COMPILER_PATH=v:/djgpp/bin C_INCLUDE_PATH=v:/djgpp/include;p:\h CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=v:/djgpp/cplusinc;v:/djgpp/include OBJC_INCLUDE_PATH=v:/djgpp/include OBJCPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=v:/djgpp/include LIBRARY_PATH=v:/djgpp/lib TMPDIR=c:/temp TEMP=c:/temp GO32TMP=c:/temp GO32=ansi 2r1 GCCLIB=v:/djgpp/lib So as you can see the system is a mess. The hardware is a DECpc 433 workstation, 8MB RAM, 33MHz 486, TIGA based graphics card (in 80x50 text mode). The problem also occurs on a 20MHz 386 4MB RAM, so I suspect it is not hardware based. And the 386 uses `eansi.sys' not `ansi.sys' and only does 80x25 text mode, but still the redirection fails. thanks moz