Message-ID: <> From: Eric Gillespie To: The DJGPP-allegro section Date: Sat, 14 Mar 1998 21:56:40 NZT-12DST Subject: ALLEGRO - Herc card supported? Precedence: bulk Is the Hercules card supported? Monochrome 720x350? The reason I ask is because I don't have a VGA monitor, only a TVGA8900b card... and a 1084S (which roughly emulates CGA) Lucky aren't I? NOT!!! 8-) Sorry about the flippancy of this post, but I am getting rather green with envy to hear about all the S3, Virge and accelerated 3D systems. (It's beside the point that I have a green screen...) Cheers till later, The Viking... --- /| _,.:*^*:., |\ Cheers from the Viking family ... | |_/' viking@ `\_| | including Marmalade - Running OpenDOS in Christchurch! | flying-brick | $FunnyMail 5.38 C.S. Lewis: If Man has no God, \ then where did Man's morals come from?