From: "WODRICH, M, M, WDRMAR002" To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Date: Fri, 5 May 1995 11:19:22 SAST Subject: Re: Checking for disk in drive Recent replies indicate that one has to intercept the DOS critical error handler etc. Why is all this neccessary in DJGPP ? I wrote a simple program in Turbo Pascal (flame war on the horizon?) which lets you change drives to load stuff. Using the DOS routine ChDir lets you change to, say, the A: drive and testing a variable (DosError) tells you if an error occurred & what it was. There is no "abort/retry/fail" garbage involved, just an internal error number.... Considering how simple TPascal really is, and that it uses standard DOS interrupt calls to do routines (like ChDir), can't DJGPP perform the ChDir function in a similar (graceful) way ? I realise this discussion list is not meant for arguments about DJGPP vs. other languages, etc. but why use overkill and intercepts when there is a simpler solution ? (I do love DJGPP, despite this rant...) Mark Wodrich. -- _/_/_/_/_/ _/ Mark Wodrich _/ _/ _/ _/ Electrical Engineering Student _/ _/ _/ _/ University of Cape Town _/ _/_/_/_/_/ Cape Town, South Africa. "I'm gonna stick a quotation in here REAAAL soon ..."