Date: Mon, 14 Mar 94 08:37:56 -0500 From: U-E59264-Osman Buyukisik To: gambcl AT essex DOT ac DOT uk Cc: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Subject: Re: Makefile misery! >>>>> "Gamble" == Gamble C O writes: Gamble> :11:Missing seperator.stop. Gamble> I assume that the 11 is a line number, but I just cannot Gamble> see what is wrong with the makefile, can anyone help me Gamble> please, this is driving me INSANE!!! Gamble> fishy.o: fishy.h $(CC) -c fishy.c ^^^^ Do you have spaces here (before the $)? If the answer is yes, then this is the problem. Use "tab"s not spaces. Also use the gnu make 370 that was recently ported to djgpp. That way you can use long command lines just as you would in a un*x enviro. Osman