Date: Tue, 22 Jun 93 19:18:44 EDT From: dave%babel AT uunet DOT UU DOT NET (Dave Hayden 908- 946-1107) To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Subject: get/set interrupt vector Hi, I am trying to port the DFLAT text windowing system described in Dr. Dobbs journal from Borland C to djgpp. DFLAT uses getvect() and setvect() to capture the keyboard and timer interrupts. After a little poking around, I found that djgpp does not support these DOS calls. After some more poking around I figured out why: the interrupt gate descriptors are all in the 16 bit world of go32. When you do an interrupt, the CPU changes from 32 bit operands to 16 bit operands. Perhaps I could get getvect() and setvect() working by having getvect return the address of a wrapper function in the arena. This, and anything else I've thought of, seem fairly difficult. Has anyone tackled this problem? Should I change DFLAT to not capture the interrupts instead? Dave