Mail Archives: geda-user/2014/09/07/04:39:45

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To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com
From: Kai-Martin Knaak <kmk AT familieknaak DOT de>
Subject: [geda-user] A different kind of gschem nap
Date: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 10:38:49 +0200
Lines: 68
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While I was with my guinea pig schematics to provoke the nap I complained
about in the other thread, I stumbled on a different kind of nap. This
one is more pronounced. It took 15 minutes on my current private desktop.
To reproduce:

1) enable auto-number with these lines in gschemrc:
	(load-from-path "auto-uref.scm")
	(define auto-uref-set-page-offset 100)
	(add-hook! add-component-hook auto-uref)
	(add-hook! copy-component-hook auto-uref)

2) start gschem with the schematic pidpeltier.sch I supplied in the other
 nap thread.

3) select the whole schematic with [crtl-a]

4) copy the schematic to some other place
gschem remains unresponsive for a few minutes. One processor core is on full

In gprof output the function o_redraw leads the list again:
  %   cumulative   self              self     total           
 time   seconds   seconds    calls  us/call  us/call  name    
 55.56      0.05     0.05      149   335.57   335.57  o_redraw_rects
 11.11      0.06     0.01   165189     0.06     0.06  gschem_page_view_get_page
 11.11      0.07     0.01     2632     3.80     3.80  gschem_page_geometry_mil_x
 11.11      0.08     0.01     2632     3.80     3.80  gschem_page_geometry_mil_y
 11.11      0.09     0.01                             x_event_button_released
  0.00      0.09     0.00   110736     0.00     0.00  gschem_page_geometry_set_values
  0.00      0.09     0.00   110736     0.00     0.06  gschem_page_view_get_page_geometry
  0.00      0.09     0.00   110736     0.00     0.00  update_constants
  0.00      0.09     0.00   107955     0.00     0.00  gschem_page_geometry_pix_x
  0.00      0.09     0.00   107955     0.00     0.00  gschem_page_geometry_pix_y
  0.00      0.09     0.00   107955     0.00     0.06  gschem_page_view_WORLDtoSCREEN
  0.00      0.09     0.00    54034     0.00     0.06  gschem_page_view_SCREENabs
  0.00      0.09     0.00    53959     0.00     0.06  gschem_page_view_invalidate_screen_rect
  0.00      0.09     0.00    53959     0.00     0.18  gschem_page_view_invalidate_world_rect
  0.00      0.09     0.00    18720     0.00     0.00  find_single_object
  0.00      0.09     0.00    18720     0.00     0.00  is_object_hit
  0.00      0.09     0.00     7578     0.00     0.00  gschem_toplevel_get_toplevel
  0.00      0.09     0.00     5419     0.00     0.00  gschem_options_get_snap_size
  0.00      0.09     0.00     5237     0.00     0.00  gschem_options_get_snap_mode
  0.00      0.09     0.00     5190     0.00     0.00  snap_grid
  0.00      0.09     0.00     3646     0.00     0.00  g_dynwind_window
  0.00      0.09     0.00     3646     0.00     0.00  g_scm_from_window
  0.00      0.09     0.00     2632     0.00     7.66  gschem_page_view_SCREENtoWORLD
  0.00      0.09     0.00     1042     0.00     0.00  g_get_hook_by_name
  0.00      0.09     0.00     1041     0.00     0.00  g_run_hook_object
  0.00      0.09     0.00     1041     0.00     0.00  o_attrib_select_invisible
  0.00      0.09     0.00     1041     0.00     0.00  o_select_object
  0.00      0.09     0.00     1041     0.00     0.00  o_select_run_hooks
  0.00      0.09     0.00      572     0.00     0.00  gschem_accel_label_get_type
  0.00      0.09     0.00      478     0.00     0.00  gschem_page_view_get_type
  0.00      0.09     0.00      425     0.00     0.00  x_menus_sensitivity

If I do the same copy/paste operation without the autonumber hooks, gschem
returns immediately. Seems like the renumber hook triggers lots of redraw 

The stock binary from the debian repository, gschem 1.8.2, shows the same 
symptoms but even longer -- 20 minutes. 


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