Mail Archives: geda-user/2014/06/29/16:30:45

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X-Recipient: geda-user AT delorie DOT com
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 15:30:15 -0500 (CDT)
From: mskala AT ansuz DOT sooke DOT bc DOT ca
X-X-Sender: mskala AT localhost DOT localdomain
To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com
Subject: [geda-user] Silkscreened component values, mailing list, and gEDA development
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Reply-To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com

First, is it possible to design a footprint in such a way that the
component value will appear in the silkscreen, in addition to or instead
of the refdes value?  I'm hoping for something more automated than just
manually adding notes to the silkscreen layer.

Second, is there a way to search the archive of this mailing list going
back more than a week into the past?  The search function on the archive
page seems to be limited to that, which makes it hard to find previous
answers to questions that have likely been asked before.

Finally, are there any plans for the diode schematic symbols and
footprints to ever agree with each other about which pin is the cathode?
I have found bug reports about this dating at least as far back as May
2005, but nothing seems to have been done about it in nine years.  If I
will be required to triple check every symbol and footprint and define my
own a large fraction of the time because there's a significant chance of
the default ones being as catastrophically broken as diodes are, then that
may be a dealbreaking issue and is at least something I'd like to know
about before I invest any more time in gEDA.

Matthew Skala
mskala AT ansuz DOT sooke DOT bc DOT ca                 People before principles.

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