Mail Archives: djgpp/1999/04/06/12:06:59

From: Peter Ajamian <pajamian AT access1 DOT net>
Newsgroups: alt.comp.lang.learn.c-c++,comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: Re: Aleggro example error! Error! Error!
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 1999 07:38:15 GMT
Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion
Lines: 34
Message-ID: <7ecdl7$cad$>
References: <7eb6gu$gb1 AT indo-news>
X-Article-Creation-Date: Tue Apr 06 07:38:15 1999 GMT
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To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Reply-To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com

1.  "undefined reference" means that your program is attempting to use a name
(function name, variable name, etc.) that has not been defined yet.  From the
list of names in the error messages I would venture to say that your program
is attempting to use one or more non-standard librarys and your compiler does
not come with those libraries.	Since this NG covers standard C/C++ it is
beyond the scope of this NG to cover problems with non-standard libraries and

2.  *.o files are object files.  My (rather limited) understanding of them is
that they hold compiled code which still includes names (of functions,
variables, etc.) and which has not yet been linked.  They are usually used to
create libraies (so that the functions do not have to be recompiled for each
program they are used in).  They are also used from time to time to write a
program (or library) from more than one base language as functions can be
written in a language and compiled into an object file, then different object
files can be linked together to create the program.

I hope this helps   :^)


In article <7eb6gu$gb1 AT indo-news>,
  "Arman" <armantaher AT hotmail DOT com> wrote:
> 1.Why do I can't make *.exe from all allegro's example (*.c)? When I tried
> to compile, I got error message! Help me !!
> This is the error messages when I compile ex1.c with gcc:

<snip list of error messages>

> 2. What is *.o file for ? How to make it?

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