Mail Archives: djgpp/1995/08/09/02:20:43

From: Brendan Simon <brendan AT rdt DOT monash DOT edu DOT au>
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 1995 16:03:24 +1000
To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu
Subject: V2 interrupts


I plan to use interrupts to access a Data Aquisition card for logging 
purposes.  I've played around with interrupts in v1.12m3 using a signal
generator.  I was disappointed that the max frequency I could set was
about 300-500 Hz before it crashed.  All the interrupt routine did was
update a counter as in the timer interrupt example.
This seemed extremly low.  Especially since I want to log 4 Channels at
about 10-20kHz.

I hear that V2.0beta handles interrupts better.
Is it just that the interrupt routines don't get paged out of memory
or are there other fixes/advantages.  

Do I still need to use the wrapper method to handle interrupts while in
real mode.

Is real mode an issue because of other interrupt routines for
other devices or fuunctions.  

Can I get away without worrying about real mode stuff?

Can someone point me to a skeleton program for interrupts using V2.
Preferably one that is smaller/simpler than the Sound Blaster example.

Any help appreciated


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