Mail Archives: djgpp/1993/11/29/06:31:22

From: Paul Harness <gapa83 AT udcf DOT gla DOT ac DOT uk>
Pp-Warning: Illegal Via field on preceding line
Subject: Re: gnu-plot
To: kuku AT acds DOT physik DOT rwth-aachen DOT de (Christoph Kukulies)
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1993 10:43:25 +0000 (GMT)
Cc: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu (djgpp)

> Could someone give me the coordinates of how to get gnu-plot for
> djgpp running  quickly? Does it run under grx? I saw some messages about
> gnu-plot pass by recently but didn't pay much attention to it.

I found it best to use LIBGRX graphics which allows more use of higher
resolution graphics modes. To do this, the file DJSVGA.TRM needs
modifying. I've attached my version of DJSVGA.TRM as well as a modified
MAKEFILE.DJG. gnuplot should compile ok using these and go32 1.10a.  The
only problem is that signal() does not work under DJGPP and gnuplot
crashes for floating point exceptions.

Also, I have a uuencoded zip file of the gnuplot executable compiled
with DJGPP if anyone wants a copy.

Paul Harness,                        |  Internet: gapa83 AT udcf DOT gla DOT ac DOT uk
Department of Physics and Astronomy, |
University of Glasgow,               |  Tel +44-41-339-8855 ext 8359
Glasgow, G12 8QQ, SCOTLAND.          |  Fax +44-41-334-9029


# make file for DJGPP using LIBGRX graphics and ndmake 4.5

# problem using DJGPP 1.10a as at 22 Nov 1993
#   signal(SIGFPE,...)  not working.   
#   floating point exceptions TERMINATE gnuplot.
#   This is because signal is defined as signal(){} !!! 

#   Because of a bug in DJGPP 1.10, a fixed version (1.10a) is required
#   in order to use any graphics. This can be found in the file
# in .../pub/msdos/djgpp/pub at
#   this problem should be fixed in version 1.11

# where to place gnuplot.gih helpfile
HELPFILE = gnuplot.gih

# compiler
CC = gcc

LINKOPT = -lm -lpc -lgrx

CSOURCE5 = term/ai.trm term/amiga.trm term/aed.trm term/atari.trm \
	term/bigfig.trm term/cgi.trm term/djsvga.trm term/dumb.trm \
	term/dxf.trm term/dxy.trm \
	term/debug.trm term/eepic.trm term/epson.trm term/fig.trm  \
	term/hp26.trm term/hp2648.trm term/hpgl.trm  \
	term/hpljii.trm term/metafont.trm\
	term/apollo.trm term/gpr.trm term/hppj.trm term/compact.c 
CSOURCE6 = term/impcodes.h term/imagen.trm term/next.trm term/object.h \
	term/iris4d.trm term/kyo.trm term/latex.trm term/mif.trm \
	term/pbm.trm term/pc.trm 
CSOURCE7 = term/post.trm term/qms.trm term/regis.trm term/sun.trm \
	term/t410x.trm term/tek.trm term/texdraw.trm term/unixpc.trm \
	term/unixplot.trm term/v384.trm term/vws.trm term/x11.trm term/xlib.trm
OBJ1 =  bitmap.o command.o contour.o eval.o graphics.o graph3d.o
OBJ2 =	help.o internal.o misc.o parse.o plot.o readline.o
OBJ3 =	scanner.o setshow.o specfun.o standard.o term.o util.o
OBJ4 =	version.o gnubin.o binary.o

OBJS =	$(OBJ1) $(OBJ2) $(OBJ3) $(OBJ4)

	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $<

all: gp35.exe $(HELPFILE)

gp35.exe : $(OBJS)
	@>gcclink.rsp $(OBJS)
	$(CC) -o gp35 @gcclink.rsp $(LINKOPT)
	aout2exe gp35

command.o: command.c plot.h setshow.h help.h
	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS)  -DHELPFILE=\"$(HELPFILE)\" command.c

term.o: term.c term.h plot.h setshow.c bitmap.h $(CSOURCE5) $(CSOURCE6) $(CSOURCE7)
	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(TERMFLAGS) -Iterm term.c

$(OBJS): plot.h

command.o help.o misc.o: help.h

command.o graphics.o graph3d.o misc.o plot.o setshow.o term.o: setshow.h

bitmap.o term.o: bitmap.h

# convert gnuplot.doc to gnuplot.gih
$(HELPFILE): doc2gih.exe docs\gnuplot.doc
	doc2gih docs\gnuplot.doc $(HELPFILE)

doc2gih.exe: docs\doc2gih.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o doc2gih docs/doc2gih.c
	aout2exe doc2gih

# clean target - remove all temp files, but leave executable intact
# needed when changing configuration (model or overlaying)

	del *.o
	del gp35
	del doc2gih

# realclean target - remove all files created by the makefile

realclean: clean
	del gp35.exe
	del doc2gih.exe
	del gnuplot.gih


 * $Id: djsvga.trm%v 3.50 1993/07/09 05:35:24 woo Exp $

/* GNUPLOT - djsvga.trm */
 * Copyright (C) 1992
 * Permission to use, copy, and distribute this software and its
 * documentation for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, 
 * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and 
 * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear 
 * in supporting documentation.
 * Permission to modify the software is granted, but not the right to
 * distribute the modified code.  Modifications are to be distributed 
 * as patches to released version.
 * This software  is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
 * This file is included by ../term.c.
 * This terminal driver supports:
 *  svga
 *  Russell Lang
 *  Modified for LIBGRX 16 colour mode by Paul Harness(gapa83 AT udcf DOT gla DOT ac DOT uk)
 * send your comments or suggestions to (info-gnuplot AT dartmouth DOT edu).

/* SVGA driver using DJGPP and LIBGRX */
#include <grx.h>
#include <pc.h>

int dj_startx, dj_starty;
int dj_xlast, dj_ylast;
int dj_color;

#define DJSVGA_XMAX 640
#define DJSVGA_YMAX 480


#define DJSVGA_VCHAR 16
#define DJSVGA_HCHAR 8
#define DJSVGA_VTIC 4
#define DJSVGA_HTIC 4

#define DJNUMCOLOR 15
static int dj_colors[DJNUMCOLOR] = {7,8,2,3,4,5,9,14,12,15,13,10,11,1,6};

	/* Get the screen size: */
	GrSetMode(GR_default_graphics); /* */
	dj_xlast = GrMaxX();
    	term_tbl[term].xmax = dj_xlast + 1;
	dj_ylast = GrMaxY();
    	term_tbl[term].ymax = dj_ylast + 1;
	GrSetMode(GR_default_text); /* */



    /* not needed with 16 colour LIBGRX graphics mode */

int linetype;
	if (linetype >= 13)
		linetype %= 13;
	dj_color = dj_colors[linetype+2];

unsigned int x,y;
	dj_startx = x;
	dj_starty = y;

unsigned int x,y;
	dj_startx = x;
	dj_starty = y;

unsigned int x, y;
char *str;


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